How To Download Webpage In Chrome

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  1. How Download Chrome To Pc
  2. How To Download A Webpage In Chrome

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How To Capture Entire Web Page In Chrome – Easy Guide

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Have you ever came in the need to capture a webpage but not just the visible part of webpage instead, the entire web page? But to capture entire web page you have to scroll also as most of the web pages don't fit in your 16:9 screen. You would have to scroll down one part of the web page at a time and capture then again scroll and capture and this goes on the whole length. After capturing all parts then cobble together all the pieces. That is just not a good idea, so what are your options?

If you only need the data of entire web page then you can always go with the Google Chrome's native option of saving the entire webpage as PDF file by pressing ctrl+p. But this native feature of Chrome only saves the main content area of the web page not the elements in the sidebar, header, footer, special effects. That too in a non-editable PDF format! So you really need to take a screenshot of an entire webpage but how to do it? Let us get to two best methods to capture entire web page easily whether you are on Windows 7, 8, 10 or Linux PC or Mac.

How To Capture Entire Web page In Chrome – Easy Guide

There are two best methods to capture the entire website page – Using the native hidden feature of Chrome or using Full Page Screen Capture Chrome plugin. For the first approach to take the screenshot of whole webpage in one go follow the below guide step by step:

Step 1: Press two combinations of keys to bring about this hidden native feature. These keyboard shortcuts will open up the Developer Tools of Google Chrome just like below:

On Mac
1. Alt + Command + I
2. Command + Shift + P

On Windows/Linux/Chrome OS
1. Ctrl + Shift + I
2. Ctrl + Shift + P

Step 2: Now type 'screenshot' in the search bar and you will see three options for taking a screenshot, select 'capture full-size screenshot' from options. On clicking on this option browser will pop-up to ask for save location. Set folder of your choice and you can find the full-page screenshot in the same target folder.

Note: This tool works best on text-heavy pages and won't necessarily work on web apps. After testing this tool with several different web apps, we've concluded it really just depends on the app. (For example, in Google Docs, the tool will only capture the visible window, while in Mobiviki it captures the entire length of the page.)

Google Chrome includes a built-in screenshot tool, but it's a bit hidden. You'll first enter two sets of keyboard shortcuts, then enter a command to capture a full-page screenshot of any web page. Start by using the shortcut pairs below—enter the first shortcut, followed by the second—depending on your operating system:

How Download Chrome To Pc

How to Take a Full-Page Screenshot with a Custom Size

The keyboard shortcut method is a great way to quickly get the screenshot you need, but if you want to customize the width of your screenshot, you'll have to take a few more steps to get it.

Step 1: Open Developer Tools

First, you'll need to open Developer Tools in Chrome—the first step from before. You can do this by opening the 'More Options' menu on your Chrome toolbar, or by using the shortcut Alt + Command + I on Mac or Ctrl + Shift + C on Windows as before.

This will open a whole world of developer tools, including the surprisingly useful Inspect Element tool. But you're looking for the Device Toolbar—one small icon in the top-center of the Developer Tools that looks like a phone on top of a tablet (or, two rectangles). Click on this to open a responsive version of the web page.

Step 2: Choose Your Size

In the Device Toolbar, you'll see three options for your view: a dropdown menu (currently set to Responsive), the dimensions of the view, and the zoom level. Adjust these to customize your screenshot.

How can i download chrome

How To Download A Webpage In Chrome

Once you've done, you're good to go!

Step 3: Capture the Screenshot!

To download your full-page screenshot, just open the extra menu options in your Device Toolbar (see screenshot), and select 'Capture full size screenshot.'

Chrome will automatically download the full page. From here, crop as needed to get the image you need.

How do you open a compressed zip file. One of the best things about Chrome is that it allows users to enhance or modify its features through the use of third-party apps and extensions. So even if it doesn't really allow users to bulk download files from a web page by default, you can just use look for a free app or extension to do the work. If you still don't know how to do it, just read and follow the steps listed below.

How To Download Webpage In Chrome

How To Download A Webpage In Chrome

Once you've done, you're good to go!

Step 3: Capture the Screenshot!

To download your full-page screenshot, just open the extra menu options in your Device Toolbar (see screenshot), and select 'Capture full size screenshot.'

Chrome will automatically download the full page. From here, crop as needed to get the image you need.

How do you open a compressed zip file. One of the best things about Chrome is that it allows users to enhance or modify its features through the use of third-party apps and extensions. So even if it doesn't really allow users to bulk download files from a web page by default, you can just use look for a free app or extension to do the work. If you still don't know how to do it, just read and follow the steps listed below.

Do note that this method will only work if you're downloading files that are directly linked to a web page. It won't work on embedded videos, images, etc.

How to download all files linked on a web page in Chrome

  • First, open your Chrome web browser.
  • After launching Chrome, go to the Web Store and look for the 'Download Master' extension. Download and install the extension to Chrome.
  • Right after installing Download Master, you will notice its icon on your omnibox. Just click on that icon whenever you want to download multiple files from any web page or post.
  • So what's next? Just open a new tab and then load a page that contains multiple file links like images, PDFs, documents and videos.
  • Once you're on the page that you want, click the Download Master icon on the omnibox.
  • On the popup menu that appears, select the file format that you wish to download (ex. jpg, mp3, pdf, mp4, etc.). You can also set a custom filter.
  • For display options, you can choose to show all links or show file size. You'll also be able to see an overview of all the files that you're about to download.
  • Once you've reviewed all the file links, click 'Download'. After which, multiple 'Save As' dialog boxes will appear on your screen.
  • Just confirm the download of each file and that's it.

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